Sims 4 Delivery Express has festive items here’s how to get them

how to gets sims 4 delivery items

Missed The Sims 4 Delivery Express drop or not not sure if you have the new items? Here's how to check.

You?d be forgiven if you missed the news that The Sims 4 added a new type of ?mini update? feature to the base game back in November.


The update notes sounded simple enough, explaining that these smaller updates Sims Delivery Express, or SDX as they have chosen to abbreviate it, allows for mini updates. These can be a variety of things, including (as per the update notes):

  • A Sims Delivery can be a Create A Sim or a Build Mode asset.
  • A Sims Delivery can be small pockets of gameplay that don’t require a Base Game update to be accessible by you all.
  • A Sims Delivery can also be tiny, little fixes that don’t need a Base Game update to release.
  • A Sims Delivery is always Free.

You might have even missed the first of these drops, a single hairstyle for all ages added on 7 December 2021.

Another one of these drops – festive themed items for Build/Buy – was announced on Twitter (obviously) on 15 December 2021, but how players can access these items in The Sims 4 has not actually been all that clear.

The new Sims 4 Delivery Express items are not marked as new when they are added to the game. How to check if players have received the latest SDX items isn?t well documented on the official Sims website.

Chances are you probably have the items in your game already, and you have been blissfully unaware of their existence. So, if you want to check whether you have them, or download them if you don’t, here’s how you do it.

Sims 4: How to get Sims Delivery Express items

If you play on console, make sure your account is linked to EA through the game, with details on how to do that over on the official EA help site.

To check if you have the latest Sims Delivery Express items or to change the way in which this content is delivered, head on over to The Sims 4 options menu in your game.

You should see a new tab called Sims Delivery appear, along with all the usual game settings options. From this screen, you can check if the content has been added to your game already and change the settings to adjust how it is delivered for future SDX updates.

sims 4 delivery express download settings

The screenshot above is what you should look out for. Please note that these screengrabs were all taken on a PC with the game language in English. Things might look a bit different for console players and players who play The Sims 4 in other languages.

You might also be prompted to restart your game once the Sims 4 Delivery Express items have downloaded. Items will only show up in game once you have restarted.

Sims Delivery Express: In game settings and options

While the Check for new Content option won’t actually tell you what the new content is exactly, it will let you know if you have the latest Sims Delivery Express items in your game already.

sims 4 delivery express check for content

Even once you are told that you have all the latest content, finding the items in The Sims 4 base game can be a bit cumbersome.

They do not follow a sequential naming convention and The Sims team didn?t announce what they were called either, meaning players get a real-life Scenario of Charades to play while trying to locate their newly added Sims Delivery Express items.

But never fear, we’re here to help. Below are the names of the new Build / Buy items added with the latest drop. Two additional recipes have also been added with this Sims Delivery Express content drop. The recipes are for a drink – Coquitos and the other for Hallacas.

  • Holiday Fruit Cake
  • Bow, Bow, Bow!
  • Cake with Style
  • Shake Your Holiday Shakers
  • Tools of Fire
  • Apron on the Wall
  • ‘Tis the Big Bow Season

Dag, dag!