Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle quick cheats: Change the Eco Footprint

sims 4 change eco footprint cheat

Go grunge or get away from it with it in the Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle expansion by cheating the Eco Footprint of your neighbourhood.

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle is out and Simmers are going grunge or getting away from it – depending on which gameplay style you prefer.

One of the key features of the new expansion is the Eco Footprint UI – an interface that sets the eco-footprint of each district in the world. The world will not only look different depending on which state it is in, but your Sims will also be affected. Acid rain, death by flies and other such fates might befall those Sims stuck in the more “industrial” neighbourhoods. For the greener Sims, auroras and a general lighter look await.

But some of us have not been blessed with patience. Or we just don’t care for the whole rigmarole of process. We want cheats and we want them now.

Because the Eco Footprint UI is such a massive part of the game, this cheat is probably going to be used quite often.

While our favourite modders like deaderpool with the MC Command Centre and weerbesu with the UI Cheats extension will almost certainly add this nifty features soon, we’ve got an interim solution. It will work if you don’t play with mods, too, of course. As long as you are okay with cheating.

Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle cheats: How to change the Eco Footprint

Remember that you use these cheats at your own risk.

Start off in the usual way by opening the Sims 4 cheat console using CTRL+SHIFT+C if you’re on a PC or CMD+SHIFT+C on a Mac. Turn on cheats (if you haven’t already), by typing testingcheats on and press enter.

The cheat code that changes the Eco Footprint of a district has three variants. The base of the cheat is Eco_Footprint.Set_Eco_Footprint_State

Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle has three different Eco Footprints: Industrial, Neutral and green. To change the footprint with a cheat, you need to choose form one of those three.

0 – Green

1 – Neutral

2 – Industrial

If you want your Eco Footprint to be green, then you will type Eco_Footprint.Set_Eco_Footprint_State 0 into the cheats console.

We tested this in worlds outside Evergreen Harbor and it worked fine.

It is important to note, though, that the trash that appears around Evergreen Harbor seems to be unrelated to the Eco Footprint, but rather determined by the Neighbourhood Action Plans. We’ll keep poking around to see what we find.