Sims 4 modder TwistedMexi reveals Project Raven is Create a World

sims 4 create a world mod twistedmexi (1)

It's finally here. It has taken modder TwistedMexi two years to do what The Sims4 has not done in over seven, but the game is finally getting the option to create a world.

If you have been keeping tabs on TwistedMexi’s mods for The Sims 4, you probably had an inkling this was coming. The creator of the popular Take Objects Off Lot (TOOL) mod and the Better Build Buy mod has finally revealed what Project Raven is all about.

It has taken the modder two years and Alpha access will only be available on 21 October 2021 for Patreon subscribers, but create a world is coming to The Sims 4.   

Players familiar with TwistedMexi’s TOOL mod will recognise elements of the UI featured in the trailer, but this is TOOL on steroids with the modder describing some of its functionality as quite ?basic? compared to what the Create-a-World mod will offer.

More details on how this will work exactly has not been published, but TwistedMexi has been answering some questions on Twitter following the release of the trailer.

According to the modder, these worlds will be recognised by the game as ?truly separate worlds? and will rely on preset templates for the initial release.

with lot editing and placement done  through a so-called template creator.

“Think of templates as the terrain/lot structure. Template creators can choose to share their template or just the finished world,” he explained.

Other Sims 4 modders have released custom worlds for The Sims 4 and even a sort of lite-version of Create-a-World, but no one has made an exclusive, standalone mod with such extensive integration as TwistedMexi’s version.

And in case you have not worked it out, the Project Raven codename was inspired by the mod’s acronym – CAW. You know, like the sound ravens make?

Watch: TwistedMexi’s Project Raven – Create a World trailer

Please note that there’s a flash warning for some sections of this video.