Sul sul.
While there’s much excitement with the release of The Sims 4 Discover University just around the corner (due to drop on Friday, 15 November 2019), the latest patch was quite a whopper.
The patch notes revealed an extensive list of bug fixes (full patch notes below) and some new free features. The Sims 4 November patch came with some free CAS content and a few build additions ahead of the Discover University release.
But with great new features come great frustration. Patches often disrupt mods and custom content and this one is no different. 4
Over on The Sims 4 forum, there’s a very useful thread where luthienrising collates mods and CC reported to be broken or malfunctioning.
The forum is an invaluable source ahead of big expansion packs or updates. If you’ve pre-ordered Discover University – or plan on getting it – it’s worth bookmarking now as there will inevitably be additional glitches.
Sims 4 mods reported broken after the November 2019 patch
- Clean UI (TwistedMexi)
- Custom Wrench Icon (Xhallie, updated by MizoreYukii)
- Expanded Mermaids (SpinningPlumbobs)
- Fitness Controls (roBurky)
- Glamorous Glimmerstones (leroidetout) – basically working but needs updating
- Meaningful Stories (roBurky)
- More Clubs per Sim (Neia)
- No Sickly Grocery (Bienchen)
- NPCC v. 1.2.3g (Paulson)
- Show/Search Sim Info (itasan2)
- SimCity Loans (Scarlet)
- Simology (Zerbu)
- SNB Bank (SimsRealist)
- Socially Anxious Trait (Scarlet)
The Spellbook Injector (r3m)updatedUI Cheats Extension (weerbesu)updated- mods by Neil
- Wicked Whims
- Sacrificial Mod (updated)
There are other reports of possibly broken or at least partially broken mods, too. The thread on the official Sims 4 forum is a great resource to check and ensure your mods and CC gets updated accordingly.
Sims 4 Custom Content (CC) reported broken after November 2019 patch
- showers, tub/showers
- some beds [mostly double beds are causing the game to hang on the load screen]
- by picture amoeba: OSMP invisible shelf
- by pyszny: Pearl & Oyster Shower Wall
For broken CC it’s best to remove the folder and slowly add it back in. For CC others have reported as broken, it’s best to leave it out and wait for The Sims 4 Studio to an update with a batch fix.
Sims 4: November 2019 patch notes
Multi Story Columns
I am not sure calling them multi-story columns is accurate. They are more like multi-height columns. Just go into the build catalog, place a column, grab the handle at the top, and drag it up and down to re-size. Some have a maximum size, others however… I think I topped out around 100 feet.
UI Scaling
Now available in the Options menu – UI Scaling! Are you a 4k player with tiny user interface issues? Do you prefer your interface to be readable at distances greater than fifty feet away? Have you a desire to customize the scale to your personal preferences? Now you can! From the Options panel, open up Game Options, and choose Accessibility. Stay away from the red parts of the slider to keep things in the safe range for your display. But, if you are feeling adventurous, give it a try, go crazy! If for some reason you find yourself in a bad state, you can always reset – either from the options panel, or by using Ctrl+U to reset the scaling back to default!
Main Menu Messaging
We know you want to know EVERYTHING about what’s going on, so we?ve added the ability to show you the latest and greatest Sims content on the Main Menu. You?ll be able to learn about free content, check out the latest updates on upcoming releases, pore over the newest blog posts, and more!
New Clothing
We have updated the Holiday Celebration Pack with some new children and toddler clothing! If you haven?t already added the Holiday Celebration Pack to your game, click on the icon at the Main Menu, and download the free pack! From there, head on in to Create a Sim and select the Holiday filter to find the new assets! Children have a new male top, female top, and winter boots! Toddlers have a new outfit for males, a new outfit for females, and some shoes! Or open up the Styled Looks, where SimGuruMorgan created some great new looks with the content!
We have made the Hip Hop Radio Station available for everyone! This means that it is no longer exclusive to Get Famous. However, Get Famous specific music will still need Get Famous to be played.
See the full list of bug fixes and other updates on The Sims 4 website.