The Sims 4 is unlikely to release a 2021 roadmap any time soon

sims 4 roadmap for 2021

It is unlikely that The Sims 4 will release a six month roadmap, similar to the one that was published last year, in April 2021.

After a whirlwind start to the year, including the introduction of a whole new type of DLC called Sims 4 Kits, things have gone a bit quiet over at Maxis HQ.

Maybe it’s because 2021 has already lasted nine hundred thousand decades ? but since the whole Kits kerfuffle and the 21st-anniversary stream for The Sims franchise, there has not been much to even speculate about.

While we do suspect an announcement about the next pack for The Sims 4 will be made before the end of April, if you are hoping for anything looking beyond the very near future ? you should lower your expectations a bit for the time being.

A roadmap for The Sims 4’s future

Last year, the team released a roadmap of DLC for the year ahead. The details were vague, but it did give players a sense of what they can expect and when.

Many players had hoped there would be a similar roadmap for The Sims 4 released in 2021, but there are no immediate plans to release one. Last year’s six-month roadmap was released in April, so the expectation is perfectly reasonable. The official Sims Twitter account also responded with a curious GIF to that question recently and many players hoped that they would get a clearer picture about future content.

However, Sim Guru Frost, Sims community manager, recently responded to  a question on Twitter about whether there will be a 2021 road map for The Sims 4, saying: ?I am not sure when we?ll be able to share a roadmap, however, it is something I talk about and push for internally.?

Guru Frost urged players to tune into the Inside Maxis live streams for the time being to get snippets of future content.

The Inside Maxis live stream is something that was added as a bit of a surprise extra after the March 2021 update. The stream offered a brief overview of the patch ? bunk beds in this case ? and took a very brief sneak peek (both intentionally and perhaps some less so) at what content is coming with the next Sims 4 update.

The stream offered no further details about when the next Sims 4 base game update will be, though. Even after the release of the April 2021 Laundry List, no official release date for the next patch has been announced.

We do know that EA does not appear to have any intention of mothballing The Sims 4 any time soon. During that Inside Maxis live stream, one of the Sim Gurus hosting the stream made reference to “many many” years of content still coming to The Sims 4. What content that might be, though, well…. we’ll have to wait and see.