Revealed: What your Sims say in English

what sims say in english video revealed

An exclusive investigation has revealed that it's not all "sul, sul" and "dag, dag" in the land of The Sims.

Please note that the article that follows as well as the video is indented to be light-hearted and is not actually a serious revelation that your Sims are out to get you. They might be out to get you, but we wouldn’t know.

You might think it’s all ‘sul, sul? and ?dag, dag? in Sims land, but that’s just not true. Don?t believe us? Well, it’s a good thing you?ve come to this website is dedicated to doing serious investigative journalism into the lives of Sims. There have been increasing concerns that The Sims are becoming too self-aware of us, their misanthropic overlords.

And so, here we are for part one of our expose titled: Things Sims Say in English. On a recent visit to the Kealoha household in Sulani, we uncovered undeniable evidence that The Sims are communicating through English words.

In the first exhibit seen below Lilliana is not only using English, but she is even requesting something different as the current set-up is not to her satisfaction. What’s worse, – she then issues explicit instructions to Makoa on what to do with humans. Fun fact: Makoa translates to courageous in Hawaiian.

See for yourself.

The Sims speaking English: What are they saying?

Do not be fooled like we were initially by thinking Lilliana is simply referring to being “bashful” while she was flirting. That is what the Sims want you think and how you will be lulled into a false sense of security while they plot their global takeover. Witness her waving after saying the word, that is how she believes the Sims will be waving goodbye to everyone they’re getting rid of.

Furthermore, we believe that the vague reference to Machu Picchu (we believe deliberately pronounced incorrectly to throw us off the scent) could indicate the location Sims have chosen to set up their base.

We have captured countless such interactions between Sims in all words and will be publishing an ongoing expose of these conversations over the coming weeks.

Or, if you have footage of your own which you believe will assist our investigation, please contact us.