Sims 4 Laundry List: March 2021 edition

the sims laundry list details

The first Sims Laundry List is set to be published on 10 March 2021 and players will be keeping a beady eye on what it does - and does not - contain.

Note: You can head over here for the April 2021 edition of The Sims 4 Laundry List.

The Sims team have published their first Laundry List. Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff or tutting at you about chores you might have missed in real life. Announced during the live stream celebrating 21 years of the franchise’s existence, The Sims Laundry List is an attempt by The Sims 4 team to communicate more effectively with players.

During the stream, GrimSuruDoi explained The Sims Laundry List as  follows:

?We are always working behind the scenes to make sure that the game is as good as it can be, but sometimes issues crop up in the game. And to give you the scoop on what we?re working on, we?ll start publishing our Laundry List, where we share the top player recorded concerns we?re currently investigating and hope to have resolved in the upcoming patch.?

Players will be hoping that the top concerns listed do not go down the same route as the top questions about the new Sims 4 Kits. An official Sims forum post went down like a lead balloon recently. A forum post said it highlighted the most asked questions about the Sims 4 Kits. But players disagreed and felt that none of their FAQs were actually highlighted.

Of course, fixing bugs in the game and answering questions about DLC are two different things and GrimSuruDoi further explained what players can expect from The Sims Laundry List, saying:

?Some things require an extended investigation on our end. So even though we?re actively investigating something, it’s not a guarantee that we?ll have an immediate fix for it in the very next patch. And the other thing I want to note is that The Laundry List only contains the concerns that are the most reported. So it won?t cover everything that we?re working on for a particular update or patch.?

What we do know is that bunk beds will be introduced to The Sims 4 base game in the March 2021 patch, although the date for that is yet to be confirmed.

As for the bugs list, that’s quite extensive. The Bust the Dust Kit, for example, has several issues with the Dust System – which mercifully can be disabled. Filthy friends and fiends, otherwise known as Dust Bunnies are making Sims rich without being asked to do so, too.

Another issue introduced by DLC recently is the Bonehilda Puddle. This puddle of water appears whenever a Sim drinks water. It’s supposed to be exclusive to the skeletal maid, but all Sims now suffer this fate.

The Sims 4 Laundry List for March 2021

The text below is taken from the official Sims website – where the list was first published. It has been republished here verbatim with only minor edits for style and brevity if required.

Please note that some topics can be tricky and require an extended investigation on our end, so even though we are actively investigating it’s not a guarantee that we?ll have an immediate fix for it in the upcoming patch. 

Also note that this is just a list of the ?top? concerns. There are more topics that we saw reported by players that are not listed and being worked on.

So, without further ado, here is a list of the top community concerns we?re currently investigating: 

If you have any issues with your game which you’d like to raise with The Sims team, head on over to Answers HQ to get the process started.