The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack review

Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack Review

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack is cute, even if it feels Simplistic. Sorry, not sorry.

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff pack was released last week, and if you?re a fan of knitting, or even just crafts in general, you?re going to love it.

Nifty Knitting: Cutesy items

The pack includes new clothing items, as well some adorable objects like toys, decorative pouffes, hanging plant holders, and more. If you?re a plant lover, the hanging plant holders are a welcome addition, and something Sims 4 has not had enough of.

Nifty Knitting Sims 4 Stuff Pack Review Cute Items

Add a yarn basket to your inventory to start working on unlocking the new clothing items, and then add them to your wardrobe to use them. More items will become available to create as your knitting skill increases, but knit an item of poor quality and it may come out a little… unusual.

Nifty Knitting Sims 4 Stuff Pack Review Poor Quality Glitch

Nifty Knitting: Clothing items – locked and unlocked

If you don’t feel like unlocking the clothing items by knitting, you can browse Plopsy, an online marketplace, where you might be lucky enough to find some of the items for sale. Or you can use the Nifty Knitting cheat code to unlock all the knitted clothing items.

Nifty Knitting Sims 4 Stuff Pack Review Cas Locked Items

Here you can also list your own knitted items, paintings, and other craft projects. Items listed on Plopsy tend to sell for a higher price than if you were to sell from your inventory or to a collector, meaning it’s a great way for you to earn an income if you don’t feel like getting a job. If you?re in the mood to be social, you can also head down to the flea market and use the tables to sell some of your smaller knitted items.

Build mode has some cute and colourful new furniture, including a rocking chair which adds a bonus to your knitting skill. The rocking chair can also be used for reading and napping, and elders have an added interaction called Reminisce, allowing them to relax and think back to their younger days.

Nifty Knitting Sims 4 Stuff Pack Review General Knitting Wide

Also included in the pack is the addition of two new radio stations, Focus and Metal, both of which add positive moodlets. The Metal station includes songs from bands like Trivium, The Hu and High on Fire – belted out in Simlish, of course. Listening to the Metal station also adds bonuses to knitting – considered a nod to the Finnish heavy metal knitting championships.

Nifty Knitting Sims 4 Stuff Pack Review Teaching To Knit

A new aspiration, Lady or Lord of the Knits, helps your sim navigate the new interaction options available, including gifting your creations either to fellow sims or to charity, teaching other sims how to knit, or showing off your creations. Completing the aspiration unlocks the monstrous Forbidden Sweater, as well as gives you the Sacred Knitting Knowledge trait, allowing you to dispel the dreaded sweater curse that comes with gifting a sweater to your partner.

Overall, Nifty Knitting Stuff is a fun and feel-good pack, and a great hobby addition for any Sim.