What the use of redacted means in The Sims 4

Sims 4 Sim Guru Redacted

Sim Guru REDACTED and The Sims REDACTED...it's all part of a long running reference that something is coming soon.

Update: The new Sims 4 game pack was revealed on Thursday as The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu. The initial response has not been great. You can read about some questions we still have about what the game play for the Sims 4 Star Wars pack will include or watch the trailer for newThe Sims 4 game pack here.

Slow news day, folks. Or rather another no news day. Over three weeks since the icon for the new Sims 4 pack leaked on the official site and we don’t know anything yet.

We have a lot of theories. And we mean a lot. Some of them are a bit of a stretch, sure. But it has been bucket loads of fun coming up with them.

Leading the pack is the theory about the new Sims 4 pack being some sort of Star Wars or space crossover.

There has also been a shoutout for the possibility of the pack relating to some sort of underwater world or Atlantis.

And we have wondered whether we might have missed hints about a winter wonderland pack heading for our future.

Finally, and this is probably a bit wild, there is also the theory about the next Sims 4 game pack being inspired by Norse Mythology or possibly a sort of Viking/medieval type of pack.

At the time of writing, we were none the wiser about what it might actually be though.

Most Simmers hope that there will be some more clarity this week ? most likely on Wednesday. Partly because of a hint that might not even be a hint shared last week.

And partly because this weekend is Gamescom where Electronic Arts, as well as many other studios, will exhibit and debut some games.


But no week is complete without a bit of a windup from the Sim Gurus over on Twitter.

A few of the EA Game Changers noted over on Twitter that Guru Frost changed his name to READCTED Guru Frost From Yarn Guru Frost. Frost is the global community manager for The Sims and usually prefixes his Guruness with a theme relating to the latest Sims 4 pack.

It probably does mean there will be some sort of teaser or trailer soon ?, since the Gurus have been using this reference ever since the release of the Strangerville game pack.

Redacted Guru Frost also teased this way right before the announcement of the Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle trailer earlier this year.

The redacted reference appears all through The Sims 4 game, most notably in the Strangerville storyline.

The Secret Agent career branch also has a REDACTED career path which has caused much confusion amongst Simmers who sometimes wonder if it is a bug.

In the lead up to Strangerville, it was part of building up the hype of the pack and it has sort of stuck ever since.

But there have been other instances recently where Sim Gurus have referenced ‘redacted’.

Last November, there was a very cryptic Tweet sent by SimGuruForst in November. It simply said ?[REDACTED]?. That turned out to be a reference about consoles finally getting access to the Sims 4 gallery.

We also found this Tweet from 2019. Look closely at the image.

The speech bubbles seemed to hint at something. This Tweet was posted before the release of Moschino Stuff and before Realm of Magic.

Sims 4 Sim Guru Redacted

So this was obviously a hint to one of those back then and that particular REDACTED has been unREDACTED, right? Even if another Sim Guru recently referenced Moschino on a Wednesday. That’s all it means, right?

Hrm. Back to the REDACTED board, then.

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